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File List | 1995-05-16 | 1.6 KB | 36 lines |
- QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM, July 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM.
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- Like the name says....
- path: \files\tcpip\misc\
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- DRIVERS.EXE large set of drivers for 3c50x ftp packet systems
- DRIVERS.TXT large set of drivers for 3c50x ftp packet systems - Doc
- ETHRAX25.ZIP ethernet ax25
- GP.ZIP Graph Packet program
- GP.TXT doc for gp.zip
- HAPN4800.ARC 4800 b.p.s. Modem for the VADCG TNC
- HAPN4800.TXT 4800 b.p.s. Modem for the VADCG TNC DOC
- IC820H.TXT Icom IC-820 Radios
- IS16550.ZIP Tests if serial ports are 16550 or not
- MAP.TXT Doc for program to draw azimuthal and perspective maps
- MAP.ZIP program to draw azimuthal and perspective maps
- NEWLINK.TXT Presentation by Phil Karn on New LL Protocols
- NTP_SRC.ZIP port of Dennis Ferguson's xntp to run under NOS
- PAX.TXT Doc - PAX is a TSR terminal program
- PAX.ZIP PAX is a TSR terminal program
- RIP2.TXT RIP-2 code for NOS
- RIP2.ZIP RIP-2 code for NOS
- RMAIL213.ZIP RMAILER programs
- ROSE_NOS.ZIP K5JB IP over ROSE interface
- TAPR118.ZIP TAPR 1.1.8 Firmware for TNC-2
- TIMED.TXT Time Protocol for NOS based on RFC 868
- TIMED.ZIP Time Protocol for NOS based on RFC 868
- TNC1KISS.OBJ Object code - TNC-1
- TNC1STUF.LZH Object code - TNC-1 lzh
- WAS0206.ZIP Source code for nos
- WATCHDG2.TXT Simple RS-232 watchdog circuit for PCs running NOS or a BBS
- WATCHDG2.ZIP Simple RS-232 watchdog circuit for PCs running NOS or a BBS
- WATCHDOG.ZIP Simple RS-232 watchdog circuit for PCs running NOS or a BBS